TA的每日心情 | 衰 昨天 17:50 |
签到天数: 1975 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老

五、合作方式 合资、独资
The Annual Production of 1500 Tons Vitamin B2 Project
Brief Introduction
Yi`an is one of the high quality beets production bases in China,the beet planting area is average 300 thousand mu.Yi`an Ruixue Sugar Co,.Ltd is a large beet sugar enterprise.After cooperating with Hebei Tianlu Sugar Group in 2006,it has reached an cooperation agreement with ABF to construct 1 million ton beet sugar project in 2007.The project takes the by-product sirup in the process of sugar making as the raw material and use the modern biology ferment technology to produce the high added value vitamin B2.It has provided a effective way to settle the the comprehensive use of the by products in the process of the agriculture products and developed high price products.Vitamin B2 is mainly used as feedstuff additive,covering about 75%,clinic medine,food additive and cosmetics, respectively covering 9%,11% and 5%.The total annual demand is around 6,500 tons in the world.The demand of the feedstuff and medicine vitamin B2 in the domestic market is increasing rapidly with the fast development of the breeding and improvement of people`s life standard,it is estimated that the growth rate of the total demand of the vitamin B2 in Chinese market in the coming five years will be over 10%.According to the present situation of vitamin B2 industry and forecast of the feedstuff additive of our country, a project of producing 1500 tons feedstuff vitamin B2 products a year will be built and the market is very broad.
Construction Content
Including the biology ferment,distill and refinery production devices for annually producing 1500 tons vitamin B2 and build the matching infrastructure with the scale.The construction period is 10 months.
The Investment Estimation
Total investment will be 200 million yuan,in which the fixed assets is 135 million yuan,the current capital 65 million yuan.
Economic Benefit Analysis
After the project produces,the yearly sale income will be 149 million 630 thousand yuan,total yearly cost 85 million 510 thousand yuan,net profit 59 million 310 thousand yuan,the net profit rate is 59% and yearly tax 15 million yuan.
Cooperation Mode: the sole capital or joint venture
Contact Mode
The government department in charge:
The Investment Promotion Bureau of Yi`an County
Contact person: Yu dongyang
Tel no.:0452-7022270
Fax no.:0452-7023848
E-mail:ya7022270@163.com |