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签到天数: 1975 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老

Projects of Corn Deep-processing and Biology Fermentation
1. Project Name: Projects of Corn Deep-processing and Biology Fermentation
2. Applicant: Shanxi Provincial Coal Transportation General Company Jizhong Branch, Jiexiu City Weiqun Bioengineering Co., Ltd.
3. Applicant General Intruduction:
Jizhong Coal Transportation & Sales Branch was set up in 1984 with accumulative sales volume of 212 million tons of coal and coke out of Shanxi Province for 22 years from establishment, paid special fund of RMB¥4340 million to province, city, county finances, including RMB¥1650 million paid to city and county, profit & tax of RMB¥1249 million and made excellent contributions to local economy. By the end of 2005, the company achieved total system assets of RMB¥1578 million and net assets of RMB¥495 million, including total assets headquarters of subcompany of RMB¥229 million and net assets of RMB¥113 million.
Shanxi Province Jiexiu City Weiqun Bioengineering Co., Ltd. was invested and set up by Shanxi Provincial Coal Transportation & Sales General Company, Jizhong Coal Transportation & Sales Branch, Jiexiu City Coal Transportation & Sales Company and other companies.
4. Project General Information:
(I). Project Content: ①Introduction and development project of denaturalization starch for food additive ② Introduction, development and production project of starch sugar and ③ Development and production project of other suitable biology fermentation by using existing idle fermentation apparatus
(II). Project Investment Estimation: Total investment of USD 11.25 million, including self-raising amount of USD 7.5 million, and foreign investment of USD 3.75 million.
(III). Project Scale: Expansion & Newly-built Projects
(IV). Project Construction Scope: Good market prospect and smaller investment risk
5. Progress Status of the Initial Review of the Application for Construction:
The project encouraged by country conforms to Shanxi Province industrial policies and has complete procedures.
6. Means of Investment: It had best to cooperate with foreign capital.
7. Manner of Communication to the Appliacnt Comoany:
Add.: Jiexiu City, Shanxi Province
Responsible Person: Wu Zhibing, Tel: 0354-7398332, Fax: 0354-7398329 Company Website: www.win-kin.com
該公司成立於1984年, 是由山西省煤運總公司、晉中煤運分公司和介休市煤炭運銷公司等共同出資組建而成。成立22年來,累計銷售出省煤焦2.12億噸,向省、市、縣(區、市)財政上繳專項基金43.4億元,其中上繳市縣兩級的達16.5億元,實現利稅12.49億元,為地方經濟做出突出的貢獻。截止2005年底,全系統資產總額達到了15.78億元,淨資產4.95億元,其中分公司機關本部資產總額達2.29億元,淨資產1.13億元。
地 址:山西省介休市
電 話:0354-7398332
傳 真:0354-7398329
公司網址:www.win-kin.com |