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签到天数: 1975 天 连续签到: 1 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老

The BioIndustry Association (BIA) is the trade association for innovative enterprises in the UK's bioscience sector. Established in 1989, our mission is to encourage and promote a thriving, financially sound sector of the UK economy, built upon developments across the biosciences. We seek to create economic growth, increase employment opportunities, and expand the skills base.
A Representative Membership
We represent over 300 members, the majority of which are involved in realising the human health benefits that bioscience promises. Our UK headquarters are in central London but we also have an office in Edinburgh serving the interests of over 50 Scottish members.
What We Do
Our primary role is to represent the industry to a broad section of stakeholders- from patient groups and politicians to the media and financial sector- advancing our members' interests nationally and internationally to maintain a healthy UK bioscience sector. We work to raise standards within the industry and implement best practice as well as working to give our members the tools- or introductions - they need to reach their full potential.
How We Do It
We operate an active public affairs programme, a well-developed conference and and seminar programme, trade missions, regular publications for internal and external audiences, plus a series of committees whose interests range from regulatory affairs and intellectual property to personnel and finance and taxation. Networking and technology-transfer opportunities for members and others with an interest in the sector ensure that every avenue is explored in the support of UK bioscience.
Legal Information
BioIndustry Association
Registered Office: 14/15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS.
Registered in England No 1889626, Company limited by Guarantee. |